Tag: top sat scores

Higher Scores on the SAT Lead to Stronger Success in Life


From the beginning of time (or at least 1926 when the SAT was created), there has been nonstop debate as to the veracity of the SAT and its large part in the college admissions process.  Here, an incredibly long thread on a popular forum Reddit shows how controversial and the topic never rests.  The rhetorical piece in question, starts off by informing the world that the New Republic has never produced a more read article based on the topic.

At SanLi Education, one of Hong Kong’s Top Test Prep companies, we’ve seen thousands of students spend time with us in our SAT Prep Courses with many of them raising their scores hundreds of points.  Many of them have garnered entry into top Universities like Stanford, Upenn, Northwestern and more.  Despite obtaining entrance into many top Colleges, there are still many who ask “are the students more than just test taking machines?”

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Three More SanLi Students+ Now Have a HIGH Chance to get into 5 Ivy League Universities

Excited Asian woman using her laptop.This past month, in our news section, you can see we helped hundreds of our students score 2200+ all the way up to 2370 for 3 very hard working and talented students.

A brief recap:

  • 3 Students Scored 2370 – 30 points from perfect.
  • 45 Students Scored 2300 or higher (99% Percentile)
  • 150+ Students Scored 2200 or higher
  • 2 Students received a Perfect Critical Reading Score of 800
  • 11 Students obtained a Perfect Writing Score of 800

For the 2200+ students, we’ll dedicate a future blog post identifying where their futures may be in terms of college, but for the 3 students who did what very few students do, they have a HIGH chance to get into the following IVY LEAGUE Universities:

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