June 2016 SAT Scores Out July 21st
For those who took the June 2016 SAT, you may be wondering when your scores are coming out. Well, the College Board has told us via Twitter.
So expect your scores here in two weeks on Thursday, July 21st!
For those who took the June 2016 SAT, you may be wondering when your scores are coming out. Well, the College Board has told us via Twitter.
So expect your scores here in two weeks on Thursday, July 21st!
From the beginning of time (or at least 1926 when the SAT was created), there has been nonstop debate as to the veracity of the SAT and its large part in the college admissions process. Here, an incredibly long thread on a popular forum Reddit shows how controversial and the topic never rests. The rhetorical piece in question, starts off by informing the world that the New Republic has never produced a more read article based on the topic.
At SanLi Education, one of Hong Kong’s Top Test Prep companies, we’ve seen thousands of students spend time with us in our SAT Prep Courses with many of them raising their scores hundreds of points. Many of them have garnered entry into top Universities like Stanford, Upenn, Northwestern and more. Despite obtaining entrance into many top Colleges, there are still many who ask “are the students more than just test taking machines?”
The Ivy Leagues admissions announcments news has been released as we mentioned earlier today shortly after 5p EST in the United States.
And the most elite of elite colleges at least in terms of perception have announced their Class of 2019 Results:
Havard University accepts 1990 out of 37,307 applicants for their next prestigious class of freshmen.
The Top Ivy League University gets more competitive now boasting a 5.33% admissions rate.
However, this doesn’t compete with the 2019 Class of Stanford which tops the rate at 5.05% this year.
Regardless, it appears as if this year (2015) for the class of 2019 was a very competitive year with many of the other Ivy Leagues also announcing a more competitive rate. Columbia became more competitive this past year along with Princeton, Brown, and Dartmouth. The 3 other Ivy League Institutions (UPenn, Yale & Cornell) though either stayed the same or saw an increase in their rates.
SanLi Education celebrates it’s 13th Perfect 2400 on the SAT
Congratulations Grace Gu of the Peddie School who studied with us this past summer!
Instead of resting and relaxing on the beaches of Cancún at one of Mexico’s premiere resort destinations last December, Indian Springs School boarding student Joon Soo Sea had other plans, thanks to his parents.
“My family was there on vacation,” the 16-year-old student from Daegu, South Korea, recalled. “They said it was a family vacation and ‘You have to come over, too.’ And I was, like, sweet, but they said, ‘No, you have to take the SAT.'”
For more…click here.
One of the most important questions on the SAT exam is not any of the hundreds of questions they ask you. The question is what’s in the minds of the many who have completed the grueling 4 hour test. It is:
The answer is:
Yes, June 25th will be a day in many of your lives you will remember. For our students in one of the best SAT Test Preparation Centers in Hong Kong, it should be a great day!
Many high school students are currently curious about:
“When will my SAT Scores come back from the College Board from the May exam?”
The Answer is:
May 21st is when the SAT scores come back for all of you.
As a Top SAT Test Preparation Center in Hong Kong, we believe the news will be great for our students.
提前申請者: 需於10月底前提交Standardized tests 的成績。若未能趕及,仍可申請November series提交成績作考慮。
請注意他們的standardized testing 網頁:
耶魯大學沒有參與Score Choice,因此,你必須提交所有SAT和SAT科目考試的報告或者ACT測試的結果給耶魯大學。
在普林斯頓的standardized testing 網頁,他們表示:
鼓勵 Single-choice early action 的申請者在11月1日截止日期前完成他們的考試。若學生於11月考試,成績公佈後需直接寄往普林斯頓大學。
我理解此建議為:Single-choice early action 的申請者最好在10月完成他們的考試,如果是11月考試,必須由相關考試機構把成績直接寄住普林斯頓大學才能趕及截止日期前申請。
10月ACT和11月SAT考試成績可以參加提前申請 (Early Decision);12月ACT和1月SAT考試成績可以參加常規申請(Regular Decision)。申請一經確認,你的考試成績需直接從有關考試機構寄往賓夕法尼亞州大學,而不是在你收到成績後才轉寄給我們。
在他們提前申請 (Early Decision) 頁表示:
所有申請資料必須在11月1日前提交。您必須提交所有11月份的standardized testing考試成績並透過有關考試機構把成績表直接寄往哥倫比亞大學。
在他們提前申請 (Early admissions) 頁表示:
SAT/ Subject Test: 11月
ACT: 10月所有申請人必需提交以下資料:
SAT Reasoning 或 ACT (包括寫作部分)
– 如果你一拼提交SAT和ACT成績,我們將以較高者為準: SAT將計算所有考試期中最高分的一次;ACT – 以最高分數的一次計算。2科SAT Subject Test 成績
– 如果你提交多於兩科SAT Subject Test 成績,我們將計算最高分的兩科。我們鼓勵申請者報考他們最感興趣的科目。
在他們本科申請(undergraduate admission)頁表示,你需要在11月1日前提交SAT 或 ACT 成績:
Early Decision 申請者應在10月內完成相關入學考試並在11月1日截止申請日前把成績直接提交至布朗大學。在11月8日前你仍可補交SAT成績作申請記錄。此外,申請者於10月或較早的ACT成績亦可提交給布朗作Early Decision申請的參考。請注意,我們鼓勵申請者在申請截止日期前提交至少一份考試成績。
華盛頓大學與伯克利大學都沒有提供提前申請考慮的選擇。在大學的考試成績頁面已回答了以上的問題,而搜尋他們的入學申請網站比較繁複需要在”Quick Answers”頁面 按”Admissions”再按”Search”才能找到。
密歇根大學提前申請 (Early Admission) 的截止日期與大部份頂級學府一樣在11月1日,但他們在新生截止申請須知表示:
你的SAT/ACT成績需在截止日期前由考試機構直接寄致大學。請預先計劃申請所需,大學不接受Rush Paper Scores。同時請注意,申請者若計劃在10月報考ACT或SAT,該成績將不能趕及Early Action的申請。
在芝加哥大學”First Year applicants”網頁,你會見到大學將使用你最好的成績來決定入學的機會。
考試成績:芝加哥大學需提交ACT 或 SAT Reasoning 的考試成績,若你提交多於一份同類型考試成績均以較高得分計算。ACT 或 SAT Reasoning 的考試成績需由相關考試機構直接寄往大學。芝加哥大學的SAT代碼是1832;ACT代碼是1152。不需要提交任何SAT Subject Tests的成績。我們歡迎在截止日期前收到你的申請表格: Early Action截止日期前提交11月SAT 及10月ACT成績;Regular Decision截止日期前提交1月SAT 及2月ACT成績。若你選擇提交ACT成績作申請,選擇性寫作部分不需呈上。
在杜克大學的申請清單 (Application checklist) 頁面:
11月1日: 杜克大學要求申請人提交所有考試成績。學生們必須在此日期前提交曾報考的成績,我們會考慮在截止日期之後採取進一步的測試。學生們需最遲於11月8日報考SAT和 Subject Tests,ACT則是10月25日。
在西北大學的申請選項 (Application options) 頁面:
紐約大學的申請資訊在這名單中是最難搜尋的一個。 在他們的”Standardized Tests” 頁面,他們表示:
需提交最新的SAT, SAT Subject, ACT, 和 AP 成績作入學申請。.
Early Admissions截止日期是11月1日,因SAT成績需時17-19天才公佈,建議參加10月頭的SAT才能及時遞交。然而,你可以與他們聯絡以確實相關資訊。
以 上 資 料 中 文 譯 本 與 英 文 版 本 如 有 歧 異 , 概 以 英 文 版 本 為 準 。
Since we’ve been on the Perfect 2400’s kick recently, we found this story about twins in 2012 BOTH getting perfect 2400’s on the SAT. They really are identical!