Tag: sat 2016 dates

2015-2016 Official International SAT Test Dates have been released

Typically, around July of every year, they release the “Official Dates” of the SAT Exam with Essay and their Subject Tests.  Well, they are out now.  Here are the:

International 2015-2016 SAT Dates:

2015-2016 SAT Test Dates


And for our U.S. Clients, here are the: 

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SAT Test Dates for 2015-2016

Intl SAT Test DatesIf you search for “Test Dates” for the SAT for next year, you will typically get the College Board’s website Test Dates that are remaining for 2014-2015.  So, you’ll see there are exams for March (which isn’t even available here Internationally), May (2nd) and June (6th) respectively for this year.  However, how about next year?

SAT Exam Dates for 2015-2016

In the link here, you will see last year’s announcement of this year’s Exam Dates for the SAT.  In the last part of the SAT Test Dates 2014-15 .pdf, you’ll see a column for “2015-2016” and it will be clearly labeled “anticipated”, but they are: 

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